The homepage of Trevor Curtis

I started computing with my dad's Tandy Color Computer and eventually moved on to the x86 architecture. Programming was introduced to me at a young age and I was fortunate enough to have access to some high school computer science classes. After a couple of years of computing in university with summer jobs in the telecommunications space as well as contributing to a few open source software projects, I found work as a programmer in the Canadian government. I'm still there programming in mainly Java, SQL, and C while keeping Unix-like infrastructures running underneath.

Work and projects

  • Software developer in the Canadian federal government.
  • Have been running and its infrastructure since 2001.
  • Former contributor and foundation member of the GNOME project.
  • Former contributor to GnomeICU.
  • Volunteer for the Business of Open Source Symposium and the Ottawa Linux Symposium.

Stuff I use

  • Linux and BSD operating systems
  • Java Ecosystem (JDK, Jakarta EE, various frameworks) and C
  • Linode, Azure
Copyright © Thu Mar 13 01:41:11 EDT 2025 Trevor Curtis