The homepage of Trevor Curtis
Mandatory AI Post

I've been exploring generative AI via Quarkus and LangChain4J. Pretty impressive combination that makes building with AI models pretty straight forward.

Added pagination to this journal section. Kind of surprised I got to the point where I needed it.

Jazzy K8s
The Valentine's gig went well enough to get another gig next month. Also spending some time trying to get my head around Kubernetes.
Quiet Learning

No post in December. The holidays were just that busy.

Needing to revisit some old tech I haven't touched in a while. Figure I'll add Valkey in there for good measure. Just booked a restaurant gig with the OPJB on Valentine's day. I enjoy those gigs.

Full Circle

This year's pantomime went well. I have gigs booked up until early May with Main & Abbott and AKA, plus a couple of gigs early in the new year with my friends in The Whiskey Ghost.

Exploring KDE. I've come full circle as one of the badges of honour when I first started using Unix, a quarter of a century ago, was being able to build KDE and show off a fancy new non-CDE/OLVWM looking screen. No need to build from scratch these days thankfully.

Fall is always a blur

A week away from production week for this year's Lakeside Players Pantomime, Snow White. It's a family affair for us so the household is pretty busy at this point in the year. The big band is still going strong, and AKA had a gig a week ago. So ya, much music has been played.

On the technology side we've dipped our toes into some generative AI at work as it's all the rage right now. It's tough to pull the substantive from the hype, but it'll have some place in our technology toolkit going forward I would guess.

Lazy but productive summer

Been recording with some friends and going through a couple of method books as planned. It's never as much as I had hoped, but actually doing these things is a win. Also exploring a bit with MongoDB. I've never had a reason to check out the NoSQL world, but I've been curious.

The Habit album recorded last summer can be listened to through Apple Music.

More DNS Records
Started seeing Certbot errors in the server logs. Turns out CAA records are a thing now. Easy enough to add.
More Lights
Recently built a new PC; cases have far more lights now. Also, a quiet summer music-wise should offer a much needed opportunity to work through some method books.
Azure Cloud
At work we're each provisioned a Visual Studio subscription which provides access to a free allotment of monthly Azure credits for learning. I'm not really sure where to start.
Early Spring

Bunch more Main & Abbott shows, particularly at Buster's which has become a hangout of sorts for the Big Band types in the city. AKA will be providing pre-show and intermission entertainment at The Lakeside Players spring show in April. Facebook didn't work out. Having someone, impersonating one of my friends, reach out for money was the nail in the coffin.

Work hasn't had much to do with container technology, but I've found myself needing to spin up a few at home. Podman looks like a decent container engine. I like how they've made it systemd-aware, creating unit/service files so that you can treat a container like any other service on a machine.

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Copyright © Thu Mar 13 02:20:11 EDT 2025 Trevor Curtis