I was doing well there for a bit with a post a month. Seems I missed a few...
The new year brought a job move back to The Agency. Happy to be back in one of the few old school Unix environments. As with many such environments these days, it's being pulled into modernity leaving it a frankensteinian relic begging to be refactored. It should be a technologist's hell, but it's my hell. A hell with character.
On the music front, I was fortunate to play two Christmas gigs this year. Such performances are novel these days as adults aren't supposed to care about such things I'm told. Got enough big band gigs the rest of this season to keep me busy. The Habit tracks appear to be finished. Not sure how we'll get them out.
So much for writing at least once a month. The time flew by:
Add a move to another department at work for good measure. I'm keeping busy and the next few months should prove to be as productive as the last few.
Keeping busy on vacation with family and music. Tech not so much.
Did some more recording with Wander Automatic, a project I hope will get some more exposure in the near future, a Habit show and another AKA outdoor jam. Getting concerningly close to developing a snare drum collection.
I've also been experimenting with social media for music "promotion". I'm not a fan of the technology generally, but one needs to go where the people are. Surprisingly, it's much more useful as a broadcast rather than a consumption medium. Facebook is where I've landed for now. Oddly, Instagram suspended my account days after I created it despite (or perhaps because?) having no activity since I created it. Unhelpful.
Had beautiful weather for an outdoor jam with AKA this afternoon. Sunny, not too hot, with a periodic cool breeze. We started doing these outdoor jams during COVID and it's become a nice summer tradition. Great way to start the summer vacation.
Started upgrading the various computers around the house to latest Debian release. Pretty uneventful upgrade as is the norm for these things.
My friends in The Habit and I have booked some recording time and a private party performance which should be good fun. Oddly my fall season is getting pretty busy already.
Oracle: some things you just can't avoid...
Already spring. Finished the last big band gig of the season and already have a couple of gigs for next season booked.
Started migrating a few homemade JavaEE apps to Jakarta EE. Nothing much to that migration.